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October 2019
Rodney Sullivan – Darden – Brown Bag Series
Hedge Fund Alpha, Cycle or Sunset? Rodney N. Sullivan, CFA, CAIA Abstract The hedge fund industry has grown from $200 billion in assets under management at the turn of the millennium to now over $3 trillion. Many reports criticize hedge funds for destroying investor capital particularly since the 2008 global…
Find out more »Michael Farrell – Darden – Brown Bag Series
Read Between the Filings Daily Mutual Fund Holdings and Liquidity Provision Michael Farrell August 2018 ABSTRACT Many questions about mutual fund trading require daily holdings, yet mutual funds are only required to report quarterly holdings. I model intraquarter trading and use the genetic algorithm to estimate the trade pattern that…
Find out more »Justin Birru – Ohio State
Attention and biases: Evidence from tax-inattentive Justin Birru, Fernando Chague , Rodrigo De-Losso, and Bruno Giovannetti September 23, 2019 Abstract We provide evidence of investor inattention to a very simple and well-known taxexemption opportunity in the Brazilian stock market. Attentive and inattentive investors are similar along the dimensions of portfolio size…
Find out more »Ting Xu – Darden – Brown Bag Series
International Legal Institutions and the Globalization of Innovation Bo Bian, Jean-Marie Meier, and Ting Xu October 11, 2019 Abstract We study how innovation goes global in response to the establishment of strong international legal institutions that reduce cross-border contracting frictions. We construct novel measures of the globalization of innovation at…
Find out more »November 2019
UVIC 2019
The 12th annual University of Virginia Investing Conference (UVIC) will take place at UVA’s Darden School of Business, 8 November 2019.
Find out more »Bob Bruner – Darden – Brown Bag Series
"Financial Crises: Research, Cases, and Courses"
Find out more »Frank Warnock – Darden – Brown Bag Series
The Natural Level of Capital Flows John D. Burger Sellinger School of Business, Loyola University Maryland Francis E. Warnock Darden Business School, University of Virginia NBER Veronica Cacdac Warnock Darden Business School, University of Virginia This Draft: November 2019 update (in progress) of NBER Working Paper 26184 Abstract We put…
Find out more »December 2019
David Smith – McIntire – Brown Bag Series
Losing Control? The 20-Year Decline in Loan Covenant Restrictions Thomas Griffin, Greg Nini, and David C. Smith November 2019 Abstract This paper finds that lenders today rely on less restrictive financial covenants compared to 20 years ago, resulting in a nearly 70% drop in the annual proportion of U.S. public…
Find out more »January 2020
Tania Babina – Columbia Business School
Crisis Innovation Tania Babina (Columbia), Asaf Bernstein (Colorado), Filippo Mezzanotti (Northwestern) January 8, 2020 Abstract In a differences-in-differences design we provide the first systematic evidence that distress from the Great Depression drove the single largest shift in innovative organization in U.S. history – from predominantly outside to inside the firm.…
Find out more »Roger Ibbotson – Yale
The PAPM with Heterogeneous Preferences and Expectations This Draft: 10/2/2019 Initial Draft: 2/6/2019 Thomas Idzorek | Paul D. Kaplan | Roger G. Ibbotson Abstract The Popularity Asset Pricing Model (PAPM) has similar assumptions to the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), but different conclusions. In the CAPM, the expected excess return…
Find out more »February 2020
John Treu – WVU – Brown Bag Series
Disclosure Crowdsourcing by Lawyers Michael Drake, Brigham Young University Kenneth Merkley, Indiana University Chase Potter, Indiana University John Treu, West Virginia University ABSTRACT Lawyers play an important advisory role in the IPO process, but our understanding of how they influence the process is limited. We provide evidence on the extent…
Find out more »Ting Xu – Darden – Brown Bag Series
Financing Entrepreneurship: Tax Incentives for Early-Stage Investors Governments often subsidize startups with the goal of spurring entrepreneurship using tax incentives. Exploiting the staggered implementation of angel investor tax credits in 31 U.S. states from 1988 to 2018, we find that these programs increase the number of angel investments and average…
Find out more »Rich Evans – Darden – Brown Bag Series
The Performance of Diverse Teams: Evidence from U.S. Mutual Funds We use the U.S. mutual fund industry to study the relation between team diversity and performance. Focusing on diversity concerning political ideology, we find that diverse portfolio manager teams outperform homogeneous teams and have a higher active share, and tracking…
Find out more »2020 ICI/Mayo Academic and Practitioner Symposium
2020 ICI/Mayo Academic and Practitioner Symposium Co-hosted by the Investment Company Institute and the Richard A. Mayo Center for Asset Management, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia. https://www.darden.virginia.edu/faculty-research/seminars-conferences/academic-practitioner-symposium
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